Pyramid Meditation, a door to one's True Existence!!!

51 Pyramids

We all have heard about the word Meditation, many of us have been practicing it & have experienced the transformation within. We all know that in today’s world, how stress, depression, anxiety & fear have taken up the peace, in such chaotic surroundings it’s important to stay focused, calm, peaceful...

My Life Transforming Experience using an Orgonite Pyramid with 7 Chakra Crystal.

51 Pyramids

I always had a thirst for spiritual wisdom from my childhood. I used to wonder why I was born? Is Earth the only place with life? What’s beyond human life? What is a soul? What is enlightenment/spirituality? I tried to get answers but never really got one. As days passed...

NO MEDICATION, ONLY MEDITATION!! ……. Exclusive Pyramid Belts to heal your body naturally.

51 Pyramids

Whenever there is any sort of pain in the body, do people generally visit a Doctor? Doctor gives some treatment and tablets to get rid of that pain. Again after some time or after several days, months or years, that pain resurfaces, again people go to the doctor for some...

Meditate with Crystal's Pure Consciousness.

51 Pyramids

When it comes to crystals and gemstones, many people think about its brightness and beautiful different colors. Many use these crystals and gemstones as jewelry, some keep them as a décor. But have you ever thought of understanding their spiritual importance? The history of crystals dates back to roughly the...