Copper Pyramid Head Cap for Meditation set of 2 media thumbnails
Copper Pyramid Head Cap for Meditation
Copper Pyramid Head Cap for Meditation
Copper Pyramid Head Cap for Meditation

Copper Pyramid Head Cap for Meditation set of 2


Rs. 1,700.00 Rs. 1,800.00 Save Rs. 100.00

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Copper Pyramid Head Cap for Meditation

A pyramid has an angle of 51 degrees and 51 minutes and draws Cosmic Energy from the universe. Copper is a spiritual metal and any product made of copper increases the energy of the product. A copper pyramid is a highly energized catalyst that enhances the inflow of energy, especially during meditation.

What will be inside the package?
The package will have two copper head caps, one plastic head cap, and three threads.

Product Details:

Copper Pyramid Head Cap:
Base 8inches x 8inches
Qty: 2
Great Pyramid at Giza with slope angle being 51' degrees

Pyramid Head Cap:
Base 9.5in X 9.5in
Great Pyramid at Giza with slope angle being 51' degrees

About Pyramids:

The structural design of a Pyramid consists of three-dimensional triangles, with large bases tapering towards the top and four faces with an accurate or ‘golden angle of inclination’ at 51° 51′ 51″. Due to its shape and angle, the structure gets aligned perfectly to the Earth’s magnetic field thereby making it the greatest receiver and transmitter of cosmic energy. ‘Pyro’ means ‘fire’ or energy and ‘amid’ means ‘center’ or within; hence, Pyramid is a device with energy at its center. This is why they are the storehouses of energy drawn from the universe.

Benefits of Copper Pyramid Head Cap:

  • Body exposure to Pyramid energy for a few minutes a day has an everlasting positive effect on the health front. This is because Pyramids generate negative ions which have a positive influence on our bodies

  • Pyramids generate negative ions and they have a balancing effect on the electromagnetic field of the body and we are able to achieve a calm state of mind or nothingness

  • Pyramid Meditation is the best way to get rid of all physical and mental ailments, which are interrelated

  • Pyramids increase resistance to diseases, give relief, and cure common ailments i.e., asthma, toothache, migraine, cold, high B.P., arthritis, palpitation of heart, epilepsy, insomnia; helps digestion; reduce tension; make skin healthy and youthful

  • Pyramids give out bio-energy fields that have the power to speed up our body’s recovery process

  • With Copper Pyramid Head Cap for Meditation, it is easier to concentrate and arrive at the thoughtless state

  • Many meditation experiences including out-of-body experiences like ‘astral travel’ are much easier if practiced inside Pyramids

  • When food is placed inside a Copper Pyramid for two to three days longer than food that is placed outside, the Pyramids ‘amplify’ information of whatever is placed inside it

  • Milk, fruits, vegetables, or any other food items placed in Copper Pyramids remain fresh for longer periods and attain more taste
  • Copper Pyramid Head Cap for Meditation is lightweight and portable

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