The Sacred Copper Pyramid.

51 Pyramids



We have seen and used copper in modern technology, as in wiring and cabling in electronic devices, electric motors, architectures, that is because of its scientific usage. But copper is also mainly known for its sacred powers from ancient times across the globe.

You must have heard, read about many great ancient Indian Rishis, Munis, Yogis or Sages, who after intense meditation realised the supreme truth of super consciousness and universal wisdom. They were the empowering enlightened personalities. 

Have you ever noticed what they used to carry as a water pot with them always? It was a Copper vessel known as kamandalu. They knew the greatest importance behind copper, not just scientific but spiritual importance of copper.

Copper is a mineral as well as an element which can be made in many different forms. Copper in a pyramid form is very impactful in various ways. As a pyramid with a sacred angle of 51degrees 51 minutes draws the universal cosmic energy. 

                       Copper Head pyramid.


It is considered as a spiritual metal and any product made of copper increases its sacred energies. Pyramid being the most accurate product of all. Copper helps to promote happiness, self-healing, and independence. Copper conducts spiritual energy which helps to balance or repair over all body, by soul upliftment, amplifying positive thoughts and passing healing energies to all parts of the body, thereby boosting holistic health. It is also known to stimulate psychic abilities. 

Copper has a pure consciousness, when you use a Copper pyramid provided in any size but with a perfect spiritual angle, you get the holistic health and ease of living your daily life, with a sense of calmness in all the activities which you perform.

It will also help you to attain balance, calmness in your emotional body and energy body, aligning perfectly with your physical and emotional body, resulting in less aggression and more state of peace.

Copper pyramid caps help to become more aware about the quality of thoughts and emotions keeping our mind in an empty state. Using a copper pyramid cap while meditating, one can get an abundance of cosmic energy with the blend of copper’s pure consciousness and positivity.  

It can be used during meditation for healing and circulating positive energies. Also Pyramid caps if placed on the water jar, bottles, it energizes the water enhancing its value. 

Copper pyramid cap can be placed on the vegetables, fruits, milk, for keeping it fresh with the pyramid energies. 

Students can use Copper pyramid caps while studying as it will increase their focus and concentration for studying. Job Professionals can use the Copper pyramid caps while working, as the pyramid energies will help them to release the work stress, keeping them calm and fresh. 

One can do all possible activities under the pyramid. It will energize and enhance your energies and overall health. 

It ranges from small car copper pyramids, wearable caps, to many copper pyramids, which have many holistic benefits. The brief about various types of pyramids will be shared in coming blog posts.

For more wisdom on pyramids and spiritual science,

write to me at:

- Ayyappa Pindi, Pyramid Expert.


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